On Tuesday, Union Minister for Sports, Youth Affairs, and Information and Broadcasting Anurag Thakur accused Rahul Gandhi of stifling journalistic freedom. When a reporter confronted him about his contentious remark about the “Modi surname,” he assaulted the journalist, claiming that Gandhi had criticized the BJP leadership for curtailing press freedom.
The union minister also suggested that the Congress was involved in a conspiracy about the defamation lawsuit, questioning why a renowned Party attorney didn’t represent Rahul Gandhi in court.
“Rahul Gandhi is a repeat offender and a dangerous loose cannon,” Thakur declared. He just blurts out whatever’s on his mind. Several more prosecutions have been filed against him for making false accusations against individuals and businesses. He’s been charged with defamation seven times and is currently out on bond. They were all insulted by his use of the phrase “SaareModi Chor hain.”
The minister of information and broadcasting made it clear that the government and the secretariat had nothing to do with the ex-Congress president’s disqualification from the Lok Sabha.
If Thakur is correct, Rahul Gandhi’s ineligibility to run for office under the Representation of the People Act began the moment he was sentenced to two years in prison for criminal defamation.
According to Thakur, Rahul Gandhi has persisted in his criticism of the RSS and other organizations despite having already apologized to the Supreme Court in writing.
In response to Rahul Gandhi’s accusations of “selective action,” Thakur pointed out that 12 ministers have been removed from office in the Parliament due to criminal activity since 2013. Yet, Congress elevates one family above the law, the people, and the legislative process.
He went on to say that the Congress was trying to sabotage the current Parliamentary Budget Session because it knew the BJP would demand an apology from Gandhi for his criticism of India abroad.
As evidence, the minister cited statements by SBI, LIC, RBI, and SEBI to refute the opposition’s claim that the BJP administration was taking a defensive stance on the Adani problem.