The world is a fascinating place to be in, there is absolutely no shortage of wonders and wonderful people. From the ancient 7 wonders as well the current 8 wonders of the world( pun intended) to marvels of nature, no one can ever know what card is someone holding up their sleeve. And a lot can be found on the Internet, where amongst commentary and satire, people often debate on these wonders, in both amusing and caustic fashion, and sometimes making Jonathan Swift, the satirical master proud.
Blue Mondays are a real thing in America, celebrated often in the month of January and we all have celebrated those in our lives, Indian, European etc when we haven’t had enough of the weekend and then the dreaded Monday comes, making it the now famous BLUE MONDAY. And woe betide anyone who lives very far from his workplace and has to commute in this overpopulation personified country( extra problematic when you are tall, like the writer of this article who is 6’2 and regularly bumps his head on low doorways and doesn’t know the meaning of legroom, be it seats on the train or a bus or plane).
Today’s article has the sympathy of this writer as well as all the readers who face the daily commute. Today’s article talks about a man who quit his job on the very first day because of the extra long commute of 36 kilometers which cost him nearly two hours of his time and his job as well, for he resigned on the very first day. Of course the man achieved internet fame by venting about it and invited a lot of responses, ranging from encouraging, advisory and a full fledged discussion. He also promised all responses that he would take up any opportunity in the future, whcih serves as a silver lining to this endless debate.
Evidently this is an issue that struck a nerve, a nerve of both tragicomedy and satire, and I can safely relate to the traveling time concerns? My advice to this commuter? He should act like a tourist and chat with interesting people he encounters, that works for me atleast.