Mukhtar Ansari, an infamous gangster politician from Uttar Pradesh was presented before a CBI Special Court in Lucknow on Monday, 10th April for framing money laundering charges under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. However, the court adjourned the hearing until 19th April as the charges could not be finalized. After the court adjourned the hearing, he was sent back to Banda jail. The mafia could be seen smiling at the time he was presented in the court.
The money laundering case against the mafia was registered in March 2021 by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). ED officials have already interrogated Ansari and recorded his statements when he was lodged into Banda jail. Other members of his family including both sons, brother Afzal Ansari, Sibgatullah Ansari, and nephew have also been interrogated in connection with the matter. Mukhtar’s son is currently locked up in a Chitrakoot jail on money laundering charges too. The present case comes from numerous FIRs filed against Ansari by the Uttar Pradesh Police. Additionally, two more FIRs have been filed against his company Vikas Constructions which was run by his wife, brothers-in-law and others.
Mukhtar Ansari is a gangster and politician from Uttar Pradesh. He has been elected as an MLA from Mau constituency of UP five times including twice as a Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) legislator. He has at least 49 criminal cases filed against him including charges of land grabbing, extortion and murder. He was expelled from the party in 2010 but was later granted entry once again in 2016. He is currently affiliated to Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party and has considerable influence over Muslim voters in Mau, Ghazipur, Azamgarh and Balia, part of the reason he has been given tickets to contest elections from parties like SP and BSP.