In a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra referred to him as a “coward” and a “arrogant” person while highlighting the “contributions” her family has made to fostering democracy in India. In response to the BJP’s claim that the Gandhis support dynastic politics, she invoked the Hindu god Ram and the Pandavas and questioned why more people were not taking to the streets to protest the government.
Priyanka claimed that her brother Rahul Gandhi, who was removed from his position as a member of the Lok Sabha on Friday, had just questioned the prime minister briefly. “You were unable to reply. You felt fear. What do those who are conceited and autocrats do, or jo ahankaari hote hain, taanashah hote hain kya karte hai? They use their strength to try to enslave the people when they are unable to provide answers. They attempt to silence those who voice concerns. Have you ever given it any thought? Why are all of these people in this government—ministers, lawmakers—working so hard to save one man? Why are you giving this Adani the wealth of the entire nation? That you become agitated when his name is spoken… and the scramble.
The prime minister of this country is a coward, Priyanka declared while addressing a satyagraha close to Raj Ghat. Make a case against me and jail me. The country’s prime minister is actually a coward who hides behind his position of authority and arrogance. This nation has a long history, and Hinduism is no exception. The populace will respond to the haughty king, as the saying goes, ahankaari raja ko janta jawab deti hai.
Vadra claimed that Rahul was merely making an effort to amplify the voice of the populace and defend their rights. while the BJP worked to generate rumours and deflect attention from important issues. “The individual who had brought the complaint in Surat against Rahul Gandhi had gone to the Court asking for a stay… He was granted a one-year stay in his own case. Rahul Gandhi asked the court to revive the matter one week after his statement on Adani in the House of Representatives. Rahul receives a two-year sentence from the judge within a month. How many people are incarcerated and waiting for a hearing? Everything in this case—hearing, verdict, and sentence—went by so quickly. You then stated the next day that he cannot run for office for eight years.
Priyanka thanked all the political parties for helping her brother and added, “We all need to come together because the country is in peril. The entire government rises up to defend that one individual as the nation’s wealth is entrusted to him or her.