HomePoliticsManish Sisodia slams Prison Politics

Manish Sisodia slams Prison Politics

The former deputy head governor of Delhi, Manish Sisodia, has penned a letter from Tihar Prison asking why learning has been neglected in India considering its crucial role. He said that all children in the nation would have been granted the opportunity to attend excellent schools like those in industrialized nations if the government had invested its time and effort in advancing school

He added that Punjabi people had been persuaded by Delhi’s educational achievements to support higher learning, state universities, and institutions. Provincial administrations not affiliated with the Bharatiya Janata Party or the Congress have begun sharing education-related ideas and initiatives. Even BJP-ruled provinces, which have riddled with corrupt public institutions, have recently began to advertise learning on television.

Sisodia argues that educational tactics, not penitentiary politics, are critical to India’s future. Sisodia reportedly referenced incidents in the message where people were blackmailed with incarceration for questioning the motives. He wondered why those in the highest positions had not created top-notch higher education institutions for the upcoming generations.

In contrary, it is simple to put more pressure on investigative authorities to imprison someone who is in prisoner relations.

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