HomePoliticsAhead of G20, city roads being cleaned up for making a lasting...

Ahead of G20, city roads being cleaned up for making a lasting impression

G20 is one of the leading political events that no matter where it is held, it will send rightful waves in the political hierarchies of the world. After all politics is no small deal, politics is a jungle of realism as elucidated in no uncertain terms by Hans Morgenthau, who based it on the more hard edged cunning of Machiavelli. After all, many of the greatest decisions in the world ranging from the two great wars to the toppling of governments, have all been connected to the insidious, enigmatic world of politics.

India has had a tumultuous journey of its own, with most of it being silenced by other foreign voices like the Mughals and the British. Endless books have been written on the subject of whether or not the Indian identity was foraged or crushed by this, it is a debate till date and very importantly, not the subject of this article. But like every perennial silver lining that exists, it is worth noting that in this now regularly conducted G20 summit, India has now extended its leadership to this worthwhile cause and become a major player in the still realism infused political world.

Owing to the summit now nigh at the corner, the city is being completely beautified at all the major stretches, especially around the ones in the central region, which is already the cogitation prone, important hub of Delhi. The extra pressure rides here for this time, for we Delhi denizens are the leading lights this time and it is the responsibility of every good host to make sure their guests are entertained without feeling any need for scandal.

India will perform very well, for it says and believes in treating guests like god more than anyone. And if the need for inspiration arises, India can always look into the French and Italian books, they know how to throw a party.

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