HomePoliticsChhattisgarh CM Baghel Calls for New Reservation Paradigm, Holds Prime Minister Accountable

Chhattisgarh CM Baghel Calls for New Reservation Paradigm, Holds Prime Minister Accountable

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has voiced his concerns on the issue of reservation, stating that while the central government has halted recruitment. The state government is eager to proceed with recruitment but the Reservation Bill has been stalled, causing hardships for candidates. He has urged the governor to make a decision on the reservation bill promptly, either by signing it as per the state’s expectations or returning it to the assembly.

Baghel has also called for the removal of the 50 percent cap on reservations and has written letters to the Prime Minister multiple times, but has not received any response.

Review of Reservation Bill and Condemnation of BJP’s Hate Speech and Conversion Tactics

CM Baghel has expressed frustration with the governor’s prolonged delay in signing the reservation bill, stating that it should be reviewed, citing the example of Tamil Nadu where a similar bill has been passed. He has also criticized the BJP for their hate speech and conversion tactics, stating that legal action will be taken against those who work against the rules and law.

Baghel has condemned the spread of hatred and communalism by the BJP, claiming that they have expertise in such divisive tactics. He further highlighted that during the BJP regime, the maximum number of churches were built, addressing the issue of conversion.

Removal of 50 Percent Cap on Reservation and Commitment to Address Unrest

CM Baghel has shared Rahul Gandhi’s video and letter on the issue of reservation, reiterating the need to remove the 50 percent cap. He pointed out that 40 percent of people in Chhattisgarh live below the poverty line, which he attributed to the previous government’s failures.

Baghel has written multiple letters to the Prime Minister but has received no response. Regarding the recent unrest in Biranpur, Baghel stated that he will visit the area once the situation calms down. He assured that those responsible for burning houses and committing murder will not go unpunished.

CM Bhupesh Baghel has been vocal about his concerns on the reservation issue, calling for the prompt signing of the reservation bill and removal of the 50 percent cap. He has also condemned the BJP’s hate speech and conversion tactics while expressing commitment to address the recent unrest. Baghel’s stance on these issues highlights his determination. It also brings out the trait that he advocate for the welfare of the people of Chhattisgarh.

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