Lucknow Police has indicted Samajwadi Party MLC Swami Prasad Maurya in the FIR for the kick on Sunday, when a group of persons purportedly belonging to an association called Akhil Bharatiya OBC Mahasabha burned Ramcharitmanas runners in the state capital’s Vrindavan quarter.
The FIR listed Maurya and nine others — Devendra Pratap Yadav, Yashpal Singh Lodhi, Satyendra Kushwaha, Mahendra Pratap Yadav, Sujit Yadav, Naresh Singh, S S Yadav, Santosh Verma, and Saleem — in response to a complaint filed by BJP leader Satnam Singh Lavi.
The FIR also cited” others,” or unidentified persons. According to police, it was filed under several IPC sections, including 142 (unlawful assembly), 295 (defiling place of deification with intent to affront the religion), 153- A (promoting hostility), 295- A (deliberate and vicious acts intended to outrage religious passions), and 506 (felonious intimidation). On Monday evening, police blazoned the arrest of five suspects.
What happened actually?
Members of the Akhil Bharatiya OBC Mahasabha burned” photocopies” of runners apparently bearing ”reprehensible sentiments on women and Dalits” in Ramcharitmanas in support of SP politician Swami Prasad Maurya, according to PTI.
Previously, Maurya delivered anti-Hindu hate speeches, denigrating Hindu gods and demanding that the Ramayana be banned by the central government.
Last Tuesday, Lucknow Police filed another FIR against Maurya at Hazratganj police station in connection with his commentary on the grand Ramcharitmanas. Maurya was arrested for outraging religious feelings and fostering abomination, according to a complaint made by a BJP functionary.