HomePoliticsGhulam Nabi Azad strikes out at Rahul Gandhi in his book, 'Azaad'

Ghulam Nabi Azad strikes out at Rahul Gandhi in his book, ‘Azaad’

In his book, ‘Azaad’, veteran politician and Democratic Progressive Azad Party chief Ghulam Nabi Azad is all set to tell the story of his life with the Congress Party. The timing of the book is under scrutiny by the Opposition, who call it Azad’s attempt to ally with the BJP and defame Rahul Gandhi. In his book, the former Congress leader has heavily praised Indira Gandhi and stated that he is indebted to her for giving him the opportunity to be a MP for the 1st time.

He has also praised Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, but when his words turned bitter when it came to Rahul Gandhi.Former CM of Jammu and Kashmir, Azad accused Rahul Gandhi’s poor leadership skills to be the reasons for the Congress’s sorry state today. He condemned Rahul Gandhi for calling hom a BJP agent. “What can I say? We wanted to change the party and improve it, but Rahul Gandhi and his people don’t want to change. They attack those who make suggestions. Good leaders offer leadership.” He stated.

He recalled the time when Indira Gandhi was arrested and how he had asked people to come. Azad said that they were able to mobilize lakes of people, and their reaction was spontaneous. On the other hand, when it came to Rahul Gandhi, the on ground support was somewhat missing.He also clarified that even in the future he will not ally or be associated with the Congress Party.”They have not changed. I see them dipping. There has to be give and take. All I can say is thank god I am azad.” He quoted.

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