The article focuses on the chatbox the Indian government launches to help people solve their issues.
The Aadhar Unique Identification Government of India (UIDAI) has now established a Virtual Assistant to assist citizens in getting solutions to any Aadhaar card-related concerns. The upgrade, dubbed “Aadhaar Mitra,” would give users text-based responses to their inquiries. It uses advanced machine-learning techniques.
The main Unique identification webpage ( has it.
Other virtual assistant functions include finding Identification centers, checking Aadhaar enrollment or update progress, andchecking the PVC card ordering process.
Submit a report, the progress of accusations, and find the enrollment center. Schedule a meeting and a reference image.
The government also offers a facility allowing someone to change their Identification card’s locations on the internet with the Chief of the Family’s consent. All residents will soon be capable of supporting one another, although they don’t know the identities of their spouses or families.
Under the ministry’s most recent order, youngsters who turn five and fifteen must have their biometric features updated in their Identification records.
Customers can request data about their Aadhaar enrolment or track their progress and PVC identification status, or stay in touch through Text messaging at any moment by calling the Unique identification toll-free hotline 1947.
Communication can be done with a telecommunications network run by a machine using Voice Response Services (IVRS), a 24-hour-a-day, seven-days-a-week innovation. It tries to answer user inquiries or pass calls to the appropriate authority.
For more significant citizen interaction, the UIDAI has launched a brand-new Intelligence chatbot, “Aadhaar Mitra,” which includes functions for monitoring Biometric enrollment/update progress, Identity card PVC identification issues, and learning the whereabouts of enrolment centers. Citizens can use the chatbot to record complaints and follow up on issues.