HomePoliticsHome Minister Shah Announces Judicial Probe and Peace Committee for Manipur Violence

Home Minister Shah Announces Judicial Probe and Peace Committee for Manipur Violence

In a bid to address the recent clashes and ongoing crisis in Manipur, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has announced the establishment of a judicial probe headed by a retired high court chief justice and the formation of a peace committee. The initiatives aim to facilitate dialogue, investigate the causes of violence, and work toward a peaceful resolution. Additionally, the Home Minister highlighted the need for a permanent solution to the Indo-Myanmar border issue, emphasizing the completion of border fencing and stricter immigration measures.

Judicial Probe and Peace Committee

Speaking at a press conference in Imphal, Home Minister Amit Shah emphasized the significance of dialogue as the only solution to the current crisis in Manipur. To address the clashes and unrest, he announced the forthcoming establishment of a judicial probe, which will be led by a retired high court chief justice. The judicial probe aims to investigate the causes, incidents, and underlying factors contributing to the violence.

In addition to the judicial probe, a peace committee will be formed under the guidance of Manipur’s Governor, Anusuiya Uikey. The committee will comprise representatives from all political parties, as well as members from the Kuki and Meitei communities and various social organizations. The inclusion of diverse stakeholders seeks to foster a comprehensive dialogue and inclusive approach to resolving the crisis.

CBI Probe and Resolving Misunderstandings

To address the criminal elements involved in the violence, Home Minister Shah also announced the institution of a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe. The CBI will investigate five criminal conspiracies and one general conspiracy associated with the recent incidents in Manipur. This step aims to bring those responsible for the violence to justice and ensure accountability.

While acknowledging the temporary nature of the violence, Shah expressed optimism that misunderstandings would dissipate and the situation would return to normal. By emphasizing the importance of dialogue and understanding, the Home Minister conveyed his belief that peaceful resolutions could be achieved, paving the way for a harmonious society.

Indo-Myanmar Border Issue

Home Minister Amit Shah also addressed concerns regarding the Indo-Myanmar border, highlighting the need for a permanent solution. He emphasized the completion of fencing along the border between the two countries to curb illegal activities such as drug smuggling and the movement of militants. Stricter immigration measures, including the collection of biometrics from individuals entering from neighboring countries, were also mentioned as steps taken to enhance border security.

The initiatives announced by Union Home Minister Amit Shah, including the judicial probe, peace committee, and CBI investigation, demonstrate the government’s commitment to resolving the ongoing violence in Manipur through dialogue, justice, and comprehensive engagement. By involving various stakeholders, the aim is to achieve a lasting resolution that addresses the root causes of the crisis. Furthermore, efforts to strengthen border security and immigration measures signify the government’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

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