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Kejriwal’s Controversial Remarks on Congress and Gehlot Cast Doubt on Opposition Unity Efforts

Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, launched a scathing attack on the Congress party and Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot during a rally in Sriganganagar. The move has sparked intrigue as it comes at a time when Kejriwal has been seeking Congress’ support to oppose a crucial services ordinance in Delhi. This article delves into the significance of Kejriwal’s attack, the potential implications for opposition unity, and the ongoing dynamics between the AAP and Congress.

Kejriwal’s Allegations and Criticism:

Arvind Kejriwal accused Ashok Gehlot of resorting to “neech harkat” (lowly act) by putting up hoardings and banners to spoil AAP’s rally in Sriganganagar. He also alleged vandalism by unknown individuals at the venue and blamed Congress for the incident. Kejriwal further criticized both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), positioning AAP as an alternative that can combat corruption and bring about positive change.

Political Significance:

Kejriwal’s attack on Gehlot and the Congress holds political significance as it coincides with his efforts to secure Congress’ support against the services ordinance in the Rajya Sabha. The Congress has the largest number of members among all opposition parties in the Rajya Sabha, making their support crucial for AAP. The timing of Kejriwal’s criticism just ahead of the opposition parties meeting in Patna further highlights the importance of the services ordinance as a key agenda item.

Strained AAP-Congress Relationship:

The lack of a meeting between Kejriwal and the Congress leadership, despite his public request, indicates strained relations between the two parties. AAP’s recent attacks, particularly in Rajasthan, are seen as a response to perceived grievances against the Congress. However, this aggressive stance may potentially harm the chances of a partnership between AAP and Congress, making it challenging to achieve opposition unity.

AAP’s Position on the Ordinance:

Sources within AAP have attempted to separate Kejriwal’s attack on Gehlot from the services ordinance issue, clarifying that the Sriganganagar rally was part of pre-election outreach in Rajasthan. They assert that AAP’s focus on the ordinance stems from its national implications and concerns about federalism. While AAP has actively participated in opposition meetings and taken a unified stance on various issues, the party still seeks Congress’ support on the ordinance in Parliament.

Congress’ Response and Caution:

Although the Congress is likely to side with the opposition on the services ordinance in Parliament, they have been advised to exercise caution and not appear overly eager to engage with Kejriwal’s overtures. The Congress may be reluctant to yield to Kejriwal’s demands, considering his past track record of asserting his own way in political alliances.

Arvind Kejriwal’s recent attack on the Congress and Ashok Gehlot, amidst efforts to secure Congress’ support against the services ordinance, has raised eyebrows and potentially strained the AAP-Congress relationship. The ongoing dynamics between the two parties, combined with Kejriwal’s public criticisms, could impact opposition unity. The response of Congress to AAP’s overtures and the subsequent developments in Parliament will determine the course of action and potential alliances ahead.

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