The Gujarat Assembly’s recently concluded Budget session was likely the first one without a Leader of the Opposition (LoP), as neither the Congress, which received its lowest-ever return of 17 seats, nor the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which garnered five seats, have the necessary support to claim the position.
Even though the 115-hour session came to a disappointing conclusion with veteran BJP politician and former minister Ramanlal Vora threatening to sue the government over unfinished development projects in his Idar constituency, the governing BJP held 156 of the 182 seats. The BJP is also supported by the Independent MLAs in the Legislature.
A public event for MLAs to celebrate Holi was held in the House for the first time, in addition to a cricket match in which BJP MLAs, members of the media, and Assembly Secretariat staff took part. The AAP said The Indian Express it was willing but was “not included” while the Congress “boycotted” both.”
All of us had expressed our desire to take part in the cricket competition,” AAP Legislator Chaitar Vasava stated. Cricket player Sudhirbhai (Vaghani, the Gariadhar MLA) is one of ours. Cricket is a sport I enjoy. We applauded the planning of such a tournament. We were not, however, a part of any of the finalised teams. Only BJP MLAs were on each team.
“The Holi festival and the cricket match during the Budget session were a BJP tactic to put people’s worries on the back burner,” claimed Congress Chief Whip C. J. Chavda.The Gujarat Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Methods) Bill, 2023 and the Gujarat Compulsory Teaching and Learning of Gujarati Language Bill, 2023 were two of the six bills passed during the Budget Session, which got underway on February 23.
Four private member’s resolutions were approved, including one brought forth by BJP MLA from Sojitra Vipul Patel that demanded “strict” action against the BBC for airing a “fabricated” documentary that was used as a “toolkit” to “defame” Prime Minister Narendra Modi and “destabilise India.” Five private member’s bills were discussed.
MLAs from the opposition parties argued that their speaking time was insufficient.