HomeInterviewsOwing to pilot's deliberation and luck, Vistara manages to avoid a plane...

Owing to pilot’s deliberation and luck, Vistara manages to avoid a plane crash

You have read about airline crashes a lot, they have been televised and serialized alike. Now let me tell you about the time a plane landed on the Hudson river and everyone survived. Yes you read that right and it is now a world famous movie by the name of Sully, mononymously titled by the heroic pilot who commandeered the plane in one decisive moment of heroism and last-minute-hope and landed it on the landmark of New York, the Hudson river. He was subjected to relentless, ruthless scrutiny by the aviation authorities and the media, including countless simulation tests that initially proved the landing could have happened at the LaGuardia airport but later on that was ruled out because in the simulations, the pilots knew that birds had damaged the engines but in real life, Captain Sullenberger did not know so in advance.

I would have never thought that I would hear the news of a potential plane crash from a close circle but I did and it still feels as shocking as I thought it would, even after seeing the same news and watching the aforementioned movie, the reaction was of shock and not dimmed. A family friend sat on the same Vistara flight that could have crashed due to a communication mixup, because one Vistara flight was landing in Delhi from Ahmedabad, and the Vistara flight in question, the one going from Delhi to Bagdora was given the permission to take off at the same time as the Ahmedabad which could have led to a dangerous crash, but was somehow averted  by the cool deliberation of the pilot and a hearty dose of luck.

The family friend remembers banging his head on the plane headrest like other passengers but at the end of the day is grateful that nothing calamitous happened. 

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