On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the controversy stirred by Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Sanatana Dharma comment in Tamil Nadu. In his speech to a large crowd in Bina, Madhya Pradesh, Prime Minister Modi asserted that the INDIA alliance had a ‘hidden agenda.’ He claimed that their goal was to weaken and demolish the Sanatana Dharma culture.
Furthermore, PM Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the opposition coalition, the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA), referring to it as an ‘INDI alliance.’ In his speech, he emphasized that it ‘does not have a leader.’
Amidst Bharat’s global leadership ascent at international forums, certain parties aim to sow division among its citizens. These individuals banded together to create an “INDI” alliance. Some are referring to it as a “ghamandiya (arrogant) alliance. There’s uncertainty about their leadership for next year’s Lok Sabha elections since they currently lack a leader. According to PM Modi, they are operating with a covert goal of undermining Indian culture.
According to PM Modi, the Opposition bloc allegedly adopted a resolution to ‘end the Sanatana culture’ during its third meeting.
“This INDI-Alliance adopted a resolution to end our ‘Sanatana’ culture,” the prime minister declared. They are systematically destroying the philosophies, customs, and traditions that have bound the nation and its people together for generations.
A few days before PM Modi’s criticism, Udhayanidhi Stalin, son of CM MK Stalin, declared that Sanatana Dharma is incompatible with social justice and should be ‘eliminated.’ According to Udhayanidhi Stalin, “Sanatana is like malaria and dengue, so it must be eradicated and not opposed.”
Subsequently, after laying the groundwork for projects totaling over 50,700 crores, including the ‘Petrochemical Complex’ at Bina Refinery and ten major industrial projects across Madhya Pradesh, PM Modi addressed the gathering.
He inaugurated ten projects, including a ‘Power and Renewable Energy Manufacturing Zone’ in Narmadapuram, two IT parks in Indore, a Mega Industrial Park in Ratlam, and six more industrial areas across the state