Prior to the Karnataka Assembly elections, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra launched a vicious attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in front of a large crowd. Why the self-styled “omnipresent and omniscient” leader hadn’t noticed the rife corruption taking place in Karnataka under the BJP’s “40% commission government” was a question she posed.
In her remarks, Vadra mockingly referred to Modi as the “supreme” and “greatest of all” leaders who incessantly bragged about his vision for improving Karnataka and used it as a model for the rest of the nation. She questioned why, in spite of his claims to be a “vikas purush” (development man), he had failed to realise his vision while his own government was involved in mass human enslavement.
Vadra alleged that Modi was too preoccupied with dreaming to do something about the “loot and plunder” in Karnataka. She said that contractors were killing themselves and complained in writing to the “omniscient” Prime Minister about the 40% commission being charged, but she never got a response.
The Congressman criticised Modi for remaining silent about the farmers who were killing themselves as a result of the agrarian crisis. She charged him with showing disregard for the situation of the farmers and failing to take any effective action to resolve their problems.
The Congress party’s campaign strategy for the upcoming Karnataka Assembly elections included Vadra’s verbal assault on Modi. By calling attention to the BJP’s alleged corruption and poor management of the state’s resources, the party wants to retake control of the state.
Vadra’s speech was a harsh critique of Modi’s leadership and his administration’s policies as a whole. She portrayed a leader who was more concerned with words than deeds and who had fallen short of his commitment to progress and sound government.