Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut comments on her Instagram story against singer Diljit Dosanjh that police has come around, the time has come to be careful, this is not the time anyone can do anything with #polsaagayipols . The actor shares a food delivery app’s post of pulses where she uses captions ‘@diljit pols aa gayi pols.’
Why Kangana Ranaut sais such statements ?
The statements came in the backdrop of the arrest of pro-khalistan sympathizers in Punjab. One of the accused is said to be missing since Saturday. The social media sites are flooded with khalistan issue posts where Diljit Dosanjh shares a post expressing his concerns for the people of Punjab, according to media reports. Simultaneously, Kangana Ranaut takes a dig at singer and says such statements. Going down the memory lanes, Diljit was accused of helping khalistanis with Congressman Ravneet Singh Bittu in 2020.
The story was posted on Instagram. While the Punjab Police India posted about maintaining peace and harmony. The post says Punjab police is working law and order, request to all citizens not to panic or spread fake news or hate speech.
What is the khalistan issue ?
Kangana Ranaut’s statements came on Wednesday through an Instagram story. Kangana Ranaut is a famous Indian actor who came up with the films like ‘Queen’,’Tanu weds Manu’,’Panga’ etc. while Diljit Dosanjh is a famous Punjabi Indian singer and is quit liked by the people. Khalistan is the name of the nonexistent state demanded by sikh separatist people in Punjab in India while khalistanis is said to those people who is demand for such state. The movement was initiated for demand of such state in 1980s during the reign of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in India. She also promoted operation ‘Blue Star’ which led to conflict and lot of damage to Golden Temple. Punjab, India and Punjab, Pakistan will be included if such is established.