Terrorists targeted an Indian Army vehicle in an attack in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district, prompting security forces to launch extensive search operations to locate the perpetrators. The incident took place in the Mendhar sector of Poonch during the movement of an Army convoy.
Search Ops Initiated to Trace Terrorists
After the attack, security forces swiftly initiated extensive search operations in the surrounding areas to locate the terrorists responsible. A joint team comprising the Indian Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police, and other security agencies is conducting the operation.
Raised safety concerns in the regions
The attack on the Army vehicle has heightened concerns about the security situation in the region. Security forces are making every effort to apprehend the terrorists and prevent any further incidents.
The incident occurs amidst the ongoing tensions in Jammu and Kashmir, which has seen an upsurge in terror activities recently. Security forces are vigilant, conducting regular patrols and search operations to counter the terrorist threat.
Massive search operations
Security forces are conducting extensive search operations in J&K’s Poonch district after terrorists attacked an Indian Army vehicle in the Mendhar sector. The joint team of Indian Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police, and other security agencies immediately launched the operation to locate the terrorists responsible. Tensions are high in the region due to increased terrorist activities, and security forces are on high alert, conducting regular patrols and searches to counter the threat.