An alleged audio tape has caused controversy for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, who is accused of criticizing the BJP’s Tamil Nadu President, Annamalai, during a private conversation. Annamalai released the tape, which features Stalin calling him a “publicity-hungry” politician with no concern for Tamil Nadu residents, and alleging that the BJP is supporting him for political gain. Although Stalin has not denied the authenticity of the tape, he contends that his comments were taken out of context and that they solely represent his personal opinions.
BJP’s Reaction
The BJP has condemned Stalin’s alleged comments and has accused him of resorting to “cheap politics”. The party’s national spokesperson, Sambit Patra, tweeted that Stalin’s “arrogance has crossed all limits” and that he should apologise to the people of Tamil Nadu.
Annamalai, who is seen as a rising star in the BJP, has also hit back at Stalin, saying that he has no time for “cheap politics”. He has challenged Stalin to a public debate on development issues in Tamil Nadu.
Stalin’s Response
Stalin responded by stating that he is not willing to participate in a debate with Annamalai and that he has other more pressing matters to attend to. He has also accused the BJP of trying to divert attention from the real issues facing Tamil Nadu.
Stalin has also said that he has nothing against Annamalai personally, but that he disagrees with his political ideology.
The controversy has once again highlighted the political tension between the DMK, which is in power in Tamil Nadu, and the BJP, which is seeking to make inroads into the state. It is not yet clear how this issue will develop in the coming days, or if it will affect the upcoming local body elections in the state.