HomeCurrent affairsUkraine faces criticism for 'offensive' tweet on Hindu goddess.

Ukraine faces criticism for ‘offensive’ tweet on Hindu goddess.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has sparked outrage in India over a tweet that allegedly insults Hindu sentiments. The tweet in question features an image of the Hindu goddess Maa Kali alongside a caption that reads “the new image of the Javelin missile.”

The tweet was originally posted on the official Twitter account of the Ukraine Ministry of Defence on April 19, but it has since been deleted. However, screenshots of the tweet have been widely circulated on social media, triggering angry responses from Indians around the world.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has issued a statement expressing its strong disapproval of the tweet. “We have taken up the matter with the Ukrainian side. We expect that the Ukrainian government will take appropriate measures to ensure that such incidents do not recur,” the statement read.

The tweet has also been condemned by various Indian political leaders and Hindu groups, who have accused the Ukrainian government of insulting the country’s culture and religion.

“This is a blatant assault on Hindu sentiments. We demand an apology from the Ukrainian government and strict action against those responsible for this disgraceful act,” said a spokesperson for the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, a Hindu nationalist organisation.

The controversy comes amid growing concerns about the treatment of Hindus in other parts of the world. In recent years, there have been several incidents of Hindu gods and goddesses being depicted in a disrespectful manner in Western media and popular culture.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence has not yet issued a statement on the matter. However, the tweet has been widely condemned and is likely to further strain relations between Ukraine and India.

The incident highlights the need for greater sensitivity and awareness of cultural and religious differences in the international community. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is more important than ever to respect and appreciate the diverse beliefs and practices of different communities.

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