HomeCurrent affairsUN Ocean Treaty signed by countries, awaits implementation

UN Ocean Treaty signed by countries, awaits implementation

Dozens of countries have signed the UN ocean treaty

The United Nations (UN) has proposed a new ocean treaty to protect the oceans. Additionally dozens of nations will sign the treaty. The treaty will allow countries to reverse the effects of overfishing and other marine activities.

(Image Source: Representative Image)

The UN agreed to the global pact for conserving marine biodiversity in March and adopted it in June of this year. Besides it will preserve 30% of the earth’s land and sea by 2030. It is 30 by 30.

Sixty countries will sign the treaty at the upcoming UN General Assembly. Furthermore they have to implement the treaty on a national level.

Mads Christensen from Greenpeace International describes the treaty as a tool for achieving the 30 by 30 goals. Therefore it will send a powerful signal to countries to take ocean conservation seriously.

Firstly fishing will be prohibited in ocean sanctuaries. Additionally human activities on the high seas will also be subject to an environmental impact assessment.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature states that approximately $500 million will be required to kickstart the treaty. An additional $100 million is necessary for capacity building and special funds.

The ocean is experiencing increasing threats like overfishing and rising temperatures. There are also threats from ocean ed mining and geoengineering techniques to make the ocean absorb more carbon dioxide.

Basically it is necessary to implement the treaty by 2025 to make it successful. Moreover it has been in the making for the past 20 years. The implementation is necessary for the success of the project.

UN and the 30 by 30 project

A nature summit organized by the UN agreed upon an international agreement to protect the ecosystems that support half of the world’s economy. Attendees agreed to protect and conserve 30% of land and 30% of coastal and marine ecosystems by 2030. The project is 30 by 30.

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