Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj has placed three private medical institutions and five government hospitals on “high alert” in preparation for the impending G20 Summit in the nation’s capital. In addition, the Delhi health department has organised 80 teams of medical professionals and nursing workers to assist hotel guests. According to organisers, 75 of these teams will work in shifts.
Bharadwaj convened a meeting to discuss healthcare plans in light of the summit scheduled to take place from September 9–10 at the Delhi Secretariat.
“In light of the G20 Summit, the Delhi government has placed five major government hospitals and three private hospitals on high alert to ensure the healthcare arrangements are in place. These include primarily Lok Nayak Hospital, GB Pant Hospital, GTB Hospital, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, and Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital, along with private facilities Primus Hospital Chanakyapuri, Max Hospital Saket, and Manipal Hospital Dwarka,” he said.
In a statement released by the health department, Bharadwaj stated that Lok Nayak Hospital has reserved 20 beds, GB Pant Hospital has reserved 10, GTB Hospital has reserved 20, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital has reserved 65 beds, and Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital has reserved 40 beds to address any situation that may arise during the G20 Summit.
While prioritizing this planning, he stated that all hospitals are also on high alert in case a situation should emerge.
Bharadwaj stated that the city health department has formed 80 teams of physicians and nursing professionals as accommodations have been provided for international visitors arriving for the G20 Summit to stay in various hotels throughout Delhi.
There are three teams, each working an eight-hour shift, assigned to each hotel. These staff members will remain committed to accommodating new visitors according to their individual schedules 24 hours a day. Additionally, they have kept five additional backup squads on hand. He mentioned that doctors and nursing staff from these five backup teams will be dispatched in case of any difficulties or if any doctor or member of the nursing staff is absent from any team for any reason.
Bharadwaj emphasized that there would be “no compromise” in the provisions provided for the healthcare of international visitors.
Additionally, they have prepared a total of 106 ambulances with all modern amenities. For the whole day, these ambulances will be on high alert. These ambulances will swiftly convey the patient to the hospital in the event of any medical emergencies, according to the statement.
All vital life-saving equipment, according to Bharadwaj, is present in the ambulances.
Regarding the three private hospitals also placed on “high alert,” Bharadwaj stated, “We selected these hospitals based on their proximity to hotels where the foreign guests will be staying.”
He emphasized that they would promptly use these nearby private hospitals in the event of an emergency requiring rapid hospitalization, considering it would be dangerous to transport the patient to hospitals farther away.
The medical directors of the five designated municipal government hospitals, as well as other officials, attended the conference, including the Delhi Health Secretary.